Your Stoke-on-Trent Health App Finder
Apps to support your health and wellbeing
You are one click away from hundreds of apps that can help you with your health and wellbeing.
All the apps in your Health App Library have been tested (assessed) by the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA).
Start browsing your Health App Library now by using the search bar at the top. Or click on a category such as sleep, women’s health, men’s health or mental health.
Young Peoples Mental Health apps
These free apps can help you look after your mental health with simple tools to manage stress, handle your emotions, and learn more about mental health

Apps to stay well this winter
Cold weather and winter bugs can affect our health, but there are things we can all do to keep well. Apps can be a good source of information, advice and motivation.
Here is a selection of apps to help you manage your health concerns common for this time of year.

Free apps to support your Mental Health
Mental Health
Healthy Living
Absolutely free
Mental Health
Healthy Living
Absolutely free
Mental Health
Healthy Living
Absolutely free
Book your vaccinations
The flu virus strikes in winter and it can be far more serious than you think. Book your vaccination now. Made by the NHS, the NHS app is free and amongst other things, lets you;
Book, cancel or change a flu vaccination.
Book or manage a COVID -19 Vaccination appointment.
Order a repeat prescription.
You can also access NHS health information, register as an organ donor, use 111 online for urgent help, and view your COVID-19 vaccine record.
Digital support, guidance and library drop-in sessions are available to help you to use the app.
Community Digital Support :: Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (mpft.nhs.uk)

Medicines and Clinical Reference
Entirely Free
Level 3
Level 3

The DadPad - an essential guide for new dads
New dads will feel excited, but may also feel left out, unsure and overwhelmed. The Dadpad® gives dads-to-be the knowledge and practical skills necessary to support themselves and their partner, so that babies get the best possible start in life.

Men's Health
Utilities/ Administration
Free to download and use
Level 2
Level 2

Watch a short video about this app library
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Members of the public do not need to sign in to use this site.
If you already have a Digital Health Formulary pro account please login here.